Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Isomer Definition in Chemistry - Radicals and Molecules

Isomer Definition in Chemistry - Radicals and MoleculesSo how do you define isomer? In essence, it is an isotope that forms when the nucleus of an organic molecule changes shape. In a sense, it is a variation of the nucleus that includes additional atoms around it. This variation is not particularly harmful, but the excess atoms do contain more neutrons than normal.The additional neutrons are responsible for producing the oxidation of the molecules, which then causes free radicals. These radicals can cause damage to proteins, which can result in diseases like cancer. Free radicals are what cause disease, and also, the protein will have greater rates of energy, and then oxidizes the protein. With this in mind, when scientists were looking to create new materials, they looked for the isomer.Isomer definition in chemistry begins with the separation of the isotopes. There are four types of isotopes, two stable, and two unstable. The stable isotopes are usually referred to as the plain an d also called the normal. There are also the beta, and then the three mu isotopes. The unstable isotopes are usually referred to as the sickles, or also called the radioactive.Sickles come from the gamma rays of the sun, but it was necessary to find a way to store these radioactive materials. Isomer in chemistry works by combining two unstable isotopes with a stable isotope. It is easier to understand by using the beta-amino group with a sickle, because the two sides are unstable.As previously stated, the beta group is what helps to create the sickles. The sickles are what function as molecules of new organic compounds. The new compounds would have less complexity, but as it turns out, these molecules would contain more molecules of carbon, which then gives the carbon atoms their characteristic red color.Carbon atoms can be divided into two groups, known as Al-O-Methylene, or known as H-O-Methylene. These two groups are one way to change the chemistry of the molecule, and that is wh at is used to create isomer. The way isomer in chemistry is done is very similar to the way adding alcohol and water. Instead of the two carbon groups of the carbon being turned into another type of group, it changes into one particular type of group.Another isomer definition would be the one that is put into sports. Sports items use some isomer to make them look better. Chemists and physicists have been looking for a way to make sports items even better since the seventies. Most sports items are made with these radioactive materials in them. Then, a scientist works with an isomer to change the shape of the sports item, so that it can be used for other purposes.For those interested in isomer definition in chemistry, it is best to start with isomer theory. Isomer theory is the study of how electrons are grouped. Once an electron has been found in one particular group, then an extra one can be added to replace the electron in that particular group. In the end, the two groups become on e group, but the extra electron is not destroyed.

Friday, March 6, 2020

An Amazing Way to Find the Perfect Video to Learn

An Amazing Way to Find the Perfect Video to Learn Lets say youve got 10 words to learn by tomorrow.And you dont want to go through the drudgery of making your own flashcards.Instead, you want to see those words in action.If only you could find the perfect video using those 10 words.Then youd be able to efficiently learn all of those words in context.All the words would be connected, and we know that the fastest way to learn something is to create mental associations.Unfortunately, most of us dont have a personal tutor who can scour the web for the perfect piece of content right?Well, actually, its your lucky day.At FluentU, weve just unrolled a new feature called Similar Vocab.Its really simple.Basically, when you have a list of vocabulary words, youll be recommended videos that have those vocabulary words.Simple right?Just copy and paste a bunch of words into a flashcard set, and presto: youve got videos that are great for learning those words.Its another step in our mission to become the best source of authentic language learning content anywhere.Check out this new feature on FluentU!

Slutty Cheerleader Bribes Tutor With An Athletic Assfucking Torrent

Slutty Cheerleader Bribes Tutor With An Athletic Assfucking TorrentSlutty cheerleader, yeah? Well, keep reading as I reveal to you how to get your sluttiest cheerleader a tutor who will really bang her in the right spot and send her back to school looking like a supermodel.The slutty cheerleader is a cheerleader who has probably been with the team for a while. Or more like, she was hired. At least it was her idea to be so slutty. Think of a club girl who takes a shot at something new every once in a while and can make it look good, but not too good.For instance, if the cheerleaders at your school had started playing cheerleading for Mommy, she would love her to wear stockings with her outfit and at least wear her short skirts if they were short. That would show that she really loves her mom.Of course, she probably wouldn't want to go out dancing every night. That is a bit of a waste of time. Just getting a scholarship is so much better, because she would be getting a great education and feel really good about herself.The most important thing is to get her into school and not allow her to slip out, or else she is going to be in trouble with her teachers. So think of something really sexy like having her on an all-expenses paid trip to some super model hotel in Miami.There is nothing that makes women think that way in the real world, right? But just in case, and just so you can make her think that the trip is going to be a real escape, book a couple nights in a five star restaurant or resort. It might not seem like much at first, but once she sees it, she will be screaming for more!So, just think of how she will have been with her friends as she passes through those early teen years, and it should get her very wet indeed. And you want to see her happy, right?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Do Replacement Definition Chemistry

How to Do Replacement Definition ChemistryThere are many people who are new to replacement definition chemistry. Even though they have a basic understanding of the term, the real answer to their question is yes. All it takes is a bit of knowledge and some practical experience to be able to properly do what is required to get your desired product. This article will explain to you how to go about obtaining the proper materials to do this.The first thing that most people need to know is the terminology that is used when talking about Replacement Definition Chemistry. In short, it is a process of preparing substances so that they can be used as catalysts in the production of chemical products. The processes used are simple and straightforward. You simply need to react the substance with another chemical to turn it into the desired product. To understand this further, you will need to understand the catalytic nature of the various chemicals.The ability to do these chemical reactions at wi ll without the complication of complicated chemical reactions is what makes it so useful. When you are unable to do a chemical reaction, the result could be something that is not entirely desirable. By simply adding a catalyst and making your chemical product an active part of the process, you are able to get what you want with no problems. This is the beauty of this method.Using Replacement Definition Chemistry to create useful chemicals is not very difficult to do. In fact, there are simple steps that you can take that will make the process much easier to manage. By being able to do these simple steps, you will be able to produce a number of items. Some examples of these chemicals are polymers, plastics, rubber, fabrics, gasoline, and oil. It does not matter what it is that you are trying to produce, the process is simple enough to do.Another great thing about Replacement Definition Chemistry is that it is not complicated to do. It does not require a background in chemistry to do the entire process. By using simple steps, you can easily turn nearly any substance into what you desire. There are plenty of chemicals that you can use that will create your desired result.The basic step that is being referred to in this article is to introduce a catalyst. In this step, the catalyst would contain an appropriate amount of salt and a mixture of chemicals that is meant to react with it. After introducing the catalyst, you would then need to wait for the reactions to occur. These reactions would mean the conversion of the substance to another form that has the properties that you desire. The conversion from one form to another would then happen.Having a basic understanding of Replacement Definition Chemistry is the first step in being able to use it to help you in your craft. Once you understand the steps, you will be able to take advantage of all of the possibilities that this process offers. It is only through doing this that you will be able to get the exact chemica l or material that you desire.

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Dan Bauer

Ask an MBA Admissions Expert Dan Bauer Varsity Tutors brings you insider tips and advice straight from nationally recognized admissions experts. Having founded his admissions consulting firm, The MBA Exchange, in 1996 after serving as an admissions interviewer for his alma mater HarvardBusiness School, Dan Bauer and his firm have helped over 3,000 individuals gain acceptance from the worlds most selective MBA programs. Read on for the valuable advice he has to offer about the business school admissions process. VT: How much time should be set aside to adequately prepare for and complete the application for an MBA program? Dan: Depending on the candidacy, this can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to prepare applications. However, the start of the process is not writing essays, but rather optimizing the candidacy itself. The professional, academic and personal aspects of the individuals profile need to be analyzed so that the applicant can leverage strengths and mitigate vulnerabilities. If done properly, this front-end effort brings focus, momentum and efficiency to preparing the actual applications. A smart way to get started is with a free, expert evaluation of the candidacy from a knowledgeable admissions consulting firm. VT: What would you say is the single most important thing to focus on for this kind of application? Dan: Most importantly, a truly competitive application must present a combination of three elements: qualifications, motivation and contributions. First, the candidate needs to convey an academic and professional background that ensures competence in the MBA classroom. Second, the applicant must illustrate a clear rationale and sincere passion for attending the targeted school as the bridge to post-MBA goals. And finally, he or she should make a compelling case for the value added that the candidacy will bring to the program and its participants, before and after graduation. VT: What do MBA admissions officers look for most in the essay questions? Dan: Relevance, initiative and authenticity. Simply stated, the applicant needs to answer the essay questions as posed by the school. However, in doing so, the admissions staff is not satisfied with mere facts or boilerplate. Rather, they want the candidate to grasp address the issues behind the question just as a leader does in the business world -- so the essay is robust and distinctive. Finally, they want insight into the thoughts, feelings and values of the applicant in order to know the candidate even before they meet him or her in-person. VT: What are the biggest mistakes one can make on this application? Dan: The biggest error is presenting only what the applicant thinks the admissions committee wants to see. Some individuals mistakenly believe that there is no need to go beneath the surface or beyond the resume. However, developing a candidacy and crafting an application are intensely personal. Through this process, the candidate learns a great deal about himself or herself. In fact, this may be the first and last time in their lives that they do such a thorough assessment of their past, present and future. It is only such a journey of self-discovery that ultimately produces MBA applications that are cathartic for the candidate and compelling for the adcom. There are no magic bullets, insider tips or expedient shortcuts to getting there. VT: What aspects of the MBA admissions process make it most different from undergraduate admissions process? Dan: The admissions process at top-tier business schools is more comprehensive and subjective than that at leading undergrad and other graduate schools. When applying to non-MBA programs, it can be nearly impossible for someone to overcome a sub-par GPA and/or standardized admissions test. In contrast, graduate business schools carefully consider the 2+ years of full-time work experience that most applicants have completed. Furthermore, most non-MBA programs ask only one essay question with a broad topic (e.g., a personal statement) and have no required interview. With the business school application process, there are typically several essays and a mandatory interview before admission is granted. So, by comparison, the MBA applicant has a significantly greater opportunity to define the candidacy and convince the school to grant acceptance. VT: Is there anything that automatically disqualifies an applicant from being considered for an MBA program (i.e. low GPA, lack of particular work experience, etc.)? Dan: No. Having helped hundreds of MBA applicants to gain admission to their targeted b-schools despite significant academic, personal or professional constraints, it is clear that admissions committees evaluate each candidacy in totality. A weakness in one area can be neutralized by strength in another. Never say never! For instance, my firm has guided five past clients to acceptance at top-10 business schools even though these individuals did not have undergraduate degrees! VT: What kind of work experiences should be highlighted in the MBA application? Dan: Published statistics confirm that top business schools favor applicants from the leading financial and management consulting firms. However, the admissions committees also want professional diversity in their incoming class. What is most important is not the specific industry or job function of the MBA applicant, but rather the growth, learning and impact that the applicant has acquired and will share with classmates. Being an overachiever with a passion for advancing the knowledge of others can transcend any specific employment profile. VT: What advice do you have regarding GMAT test prep? Dan: Be very thoughtful in choosing the tutoring resources that you engage for test prep. One size does not fit all. That is why my firm The MBA Exchange does not offer GMAT tutoring directly but rather provides a free evaluation of prep needs and introduces several specialists to each client. To determine the best resource, consider which components of the test require the most study and support, and confirm the tutors qualifications in that area. Then, think about how you learn most effectively (e.g. in-person vs. remote; individual vs. group, etc.) and make sure the tutors services are a match. Finally, allow yourself abundant time to learn and practice before you take the actual test; only when you and your tutor agree that your practice scores have reached an acceptable peak should you schedule the real GMAT. VT: Is it absolutely necessary to have work experience prior to starting an MBA degree? Dan: There are some exceptions, but for the vast majority of applicants having 2 more years of full-time work experience prior to applying is a must. Not only is this an expectation of the admissions committee, but this background also ensures that the candidate will gain more from and contribute more to the MBA education. The currency of business school classrooms especially those where the case study method is king -- is the professional background that each student brings. Both faculty and peers assume that on day one everyone has a solid grasp of the nomenclature, culture and nuances of the business world. This provides a shared platform for learning, growing and bonding. VT: What are the characteristics of a great MBA program? Dan: Believing that there are several excellent business schools for every applicant to consider, I am going to answer with a list of selection criteria. A great MBA program offers knowledge and perspective that align seamlessly with the applicants vision. Professors who are recognized inside and outside the school as thought leaders in their respective disciplines. A dynamic culture where students are the program owners and customers. Loyal, global alumni actively involved with the school and dedicated to helping each other succeed. A productive and responsive career services staff. Recruitment by industry-leading companies that offer real jobs, even during tough economic times. And finally, a respected and recognized brand, transcending time and borders, that graduates can count on as a lifetime asset. Visit http://www.mbaexchange.com to learn more about The MBA Exchange and request a free evaluation of your MBA candidacy.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

The Best Pieces at the MET

The Best Pieces at the MET The Greatest Painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art ChaptersWashington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel LeutzeThe Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis DavidWoman with a Parrot by Gustave CourbetThe Water Lily Pond by Claude MonetMadame X by John Singer SargentManuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga by Francisco de GoyaAristotle with a Bust of Homer by RembrandtThe Musicians by CaravaggioWoman with a Water Jug by Johannes VermeerAutumn Rhythm (Number 30) by Jackson PollockWhile a lot of the world’s greatest museums are in Europe, you shouldn’t forget one of the greatest art museums in the world: the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.This huge museum in Manhattan, New York, is home to over 2 million pieces of art from all over the world. Van Gogh, Cézanne, Pissarro, Auguste Renoir, Joseph Durand-Ruel, Jean-Frédéric Bazille, Manet, Berthe Morisot, Degas, Ingres, Delacroix, and Warhol all appear at the MET, an out-of-the-ordinary art museum in the United States of America.The greatest artistic movements are all present at the MET: im pressionism, realism, self-portraits, expressionism, fauvism, naturalism, pointillism, and symbolism.In this article, we've put together a non-exhaustive list of some of the best paintings you can see in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.Aristotle with a Bust of Homer by RembrandtRembrandt needs no introduction; he’s one of the most famous painters in the world and a Dutch baroque master.A philosopher thinking about a philosopher. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)His work appears in the world’s greatest museums including his piece Aristotle with a Bust of Homer in the MET. In this piece, you can see Aristotle dressed in 17th-century attire and posing with a bust of the poet Homer.It symbolises that philosophy comes before poetry and art in general. Thus, Aristotle is inspired by the poet. The political aspect is also represented by the portrait of Alexander on Aristotle’s medallion.The piece was acquired by the MET in 1961 for the modest sum of 2.3 million dollars.The Music ians by CaravaggioThe Musicians or Concert of Youths is an oil on canvas from the Italian baroque master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. As a naturalist, realist, and great user of chiaroscuro, Caravaggio is famous for this huge work.The Musicians can be seen at the MET and includes several musicians and cupid on the left. It’s possible that the person in the background is Caravaggio, making this one of the artist’s first self-portraits.The theme of mythology and Bacchus is present in Caravaggio’s work and in pieces that can be found in New York, France, Italy, England, and Spain.Woman with a Water Jug by Johannes VermeerVermeer, the Dutch Baroque  painter, is most famous for his pieces like The Milkmaid or Girl with a Pearl Earring. Vermeer, much like Rembrandt, is considered a master of the Dutch Golden Age.Vermeer is a baroque master. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)The piece Woman with a Water Jug, painted in 1658, depicts a young working-class woman carrying a water jug wit h one hand and opening a window with the other.Like in other pieces, Vermeer painted a preoccupied woman contrasting the freedom of outside with the traditional rules inside.Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) by Jackson PollockAutumn Rhythm (Number 30), is an enamel paint on canvas by Jackson Pollock, an American abstract expressionist painter. This influential contemporary artist created over 700 pieces!Here are some of his other great works:Untitled (Naked Man with Knife), 1938-1940Mural, 1943Number 5, 1948One: Number 31, 1950Number 1 (Lavender Mist), 1950Blue Poles: Number 11, 1952Convergence, 1952The Deep, 1953White Light, 1954While the technique used to create his works is often focused on, Autumn Rhythm seems to express anger. Of course, you can come to your own conclusions on this beautiful and original piece.We could also have mentioned the other artists on display in the MET like Gauguin, Kandinsky, Caillebotte, Sisley, Corot, Géricault, Seurat, or even Watteau. The MET is a fantas tic museum, after all.So would you like to visit the Metropolitan Musem of Art?If you can't, don't forget that you can see examples of impressionist paintings online or visit museums nearer to home.Superprof can help you deepen your understanding of art history or a particular art movement with a private tutor! Whether you want to learn more about sculpture, impressionist art, plein air painting, or modern art, a private tutor is the way to go.There are three different types of private tutorials you can get from the tutors on Superprof: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials take place with a tutor and a single student and are the most effective of the three since your tutor will dedicate all their time to you.Online tutorials take place via webcam using programmes such as Skype. Without travel costs, tutors can charge less per hour than they usually would in a face-to-face tutorial.Group tutorials are more like a traditional art class. However, you could always get a group of friends together and all learn to paint at the same time. These tend to be the cheapest per hour since the students share the cost of the tutor's time.So which types of tutorials will you go for?

Get Best Tutor For Kids and Lose Tension

Get Best Tutor For Kids and Lose Tension If you are a working parent then you will be in tension all the day. The tension is due to the fact that how to provide your child with the best kind of things. Among the basic amenities of life education also plays a crucial role. Without education it is not possible for anyone of us to survive. Parents are always in a dilemma as how to make their children get the best availability of every facility in life. The first part starts off with finding a good school that can help their child to learn the basics of life and then move on to academic part.Efficient teachers, no time limit, affordable prices are some of the best advantages that this institute is sure to provide you. Tutor for kids  are found with ease under Tutor Pace.   School is said to be the second home and since our childhood days we come across with this notion and we strictly believe it. Teachers are like our second parents and so listening to them is our prime duty. But this was the concept earlier and now the concepts have changed largely and people are getting professional. The teachers at school do not provide that much care and attention to each student and thus kids lack from some good way of education. School administration is also now a days not conscious about how to deal with a kid so that they even fall to impress the child to learn more. A good tutor is very important for those kids who have a set of working parents. A good teacher can help you get the real meaning of life. The teacher can even make you aware of everything that life offers. From the very initial days it is important that a child should be under good guidance that can only be possible with the help of parents and a good tutor. Then only can a child learn and inculcate some of the best qualities within them. But where will you find a good teacher who will provide you the basic guidance of life as well as help your child to learn the academic subject in a better way. Sending your kid to any tutor is also time taking and in some cases risky as well. The moving here and there is time taking and also not of so much worth as teachers are sometimes average. For kids it is not possible to judge a teacher as they are small enough to judge between what is good and what is bad. Private teachers in many cases take this advantage and so kids are left with average level teaching. But as parents you have to find a proper teacher for your little one. But how will you find. Online teachers are available with ease. Online teachers are a good way through which kids can learn better and faster. Today with the reach of internet, the availability of such type of services have reached to a high level.   Every single person is getting involved with such types of services. Online tutoring is also gearing up for something big ad better. The availability of such teachers is high and with time the entire concept is becoming popular. Today the online tutoring facility is providing tutor for kids as well and this is getting increased with working parents making it a point to use it. The service has many advantages that drag a parent towards such services.   Characteristics of good online tutoring Now it is time that some of the facilities should be said in details so that you can know what is online tutoring and how it works so that it can easy for you to fetch the advantages. Online tutoring has some of the very best teachers in any service that they provide. The teachers are qualified enough and can handle whatever work they are given. The completion of the motto is the main thing. The interview process of any teacher for any of the service is very tough and thus the end result comes out to be the best. While the teacher for the kids section are much more patient and can handle the students with much efficiency. Small kids require immense amount of time to learn anything as everything is new to them and so adapting everything takes time. The online tutoring process does not have any kind of time limitation and so kids can take their won time and learn the entire thing. Even in many cases parents can also accompany their child while the classes are on and even learn themselves. This helps the parents also in many ways. They get to learn and spend time with their kids while attending the classes. Kids can afterwards take help from their parents as well to adapt any new topic which they are unable to do. The facility of one-on-one service is also available with online tutors. In this facility the student is accustomed with a single teacher and no other students are allowed in this class. It is a very unique class and so any student who is very weak can avail this type of class. Such type of class helps in making the student or kid learn more and in a better way. The focus of a teacher is constant towards the student. Today various online tutoring institutions are available who claims to provide the best service at a very minimum cost, but at the end things turn out to be something different. All the institutes do not provide the best facilities that they claim to provide. So, being a responsible parent you have to make a bit of survey so that you can know about which institute is better than being good. Tutor Pace can bring best services Tutor Pace is a good institute and also a reputed institute. I am just providing you with the information, but it is up to you check their site and know what kind of services they provide.